LED Strip
    发布时间: 2019-09-30 14:21    

No LED Hotspots, even in tight spaces

Brighter Light

More Flex

More Efficient, Less Heat

The Strips are offered in 3, 6, 9, 12 and 16.4ft. (1 reel)

LED Strip

No LED Hotspots, even in tight spaces

Traditional LED flex strip:hotspots throughout the strip which cannot be ignored by the human eye.
The COB strip: illuminates a smooth, consistent light from start to finish.

Brighter Light

COB LED Flex strips are even brighter! At 1400 Lumens/M these are even brighter than our high-density strips! 

180 degrees Wider light angle means more light for you so this is important in the long run for brightness as well!


More Flex
The flexibility of these strips is much better than other flexible strips because of the smaller diode size and even distribution of weight.
This added flexibility will make them easier to fit into tight areas and turn around corners in your application

More Efficient, Less Heat

flip chip LEDs are superior in efficiency and heat transfer compared to other LEDs. They actually run at 14 Watts / M just like our high-density strip lights but they output 100 Lumens/M compared to the 75Lumens/M of the high-density strip.


Strip Dimensions

The Strips are offered in 3, 6, 9, 12 and 16.4ft. (1 reel)

The flexible PCB is 10mm wide and the phosphor LED coating sits about 1.6mm high off of the PCB